Northwick Park, London

The project consists of a new residential mixed-use development comprising 5 new construction buildings to provide 654 new homes plus the associated car and cycle spaces, a replacement nursery, retail space and highways improvements, open space, hard and soft landscaping and public realm works.

SCS were appointed as Sustainable Consultant by Countryside Partnerships at RIBA Stage 3 to provide the fallowing services:

  • BREEAM Assessor & AP
  • Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle e Costing Study.
  • Circular Economy
  • Domestic and non-domestic energy calculations in line with Part L and GLA requirements.
  • Domestic and non-domestic thermal comfort study.
  • Domestic and non-domestic daylighting calculations

SCS team are working closely with Countryside team to re-evaluate the design and ensure that it was completed in line with GLA and Building Regulations requirement.

This project was short listed for ‘Best Use of a Brown Filed’ in the 2021 Planning Awards and ‘Best Project’ in the Housing Design Awards.

Network Homes
Countryside Partnership
Residential Institution
Rating aim:
BREEAM Very Good
BREEAM Assessor & AP, Carbon Assessors, Energy Modellers

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